From the Winter 2023 Local Harvest Newsletter.
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Dear Friend,
I can’t help but feel a bit of excitement as I anticipate warmer spring days just around the corner, when all of northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri begins to welcome new life, and growth.
Thanks to friends like you, I’m also looking forward to our own growth here at Harvesters as we continue to seek to meet the increased demand for food across our community.
While the high cost of groceries, utilities and more, continues to impact our community, we must grow to meet the need.
At this time of year, our attention especially turns to our community’s older adults who often rely on fixed incomes to get by in retirement. One small change, like increased winter heating bills, can devastate the budget.
In this issue of Local Harvest, we’ve chosen a few stories to share with you that highlight the difference your gifts are making every day through your support of Harvesters.
I hope you’ll enjoy hearing from older adults like Linda who has so generously given her time to help people around her and is grateful to find help from friends like you now that she has a need herself.
Thank you for making sure our neighbors of all ages have reliable access to nutritious food. The need for food remains high — please continue to stand up for our neighbors through your partnership. It is an honor to serve alongside you!
Stephen Davis
President and CEO