Disaster Relief and Response
The Supply Line to the Front Lines in Times of Disaster

Harvesters collects food and household products to feed hungry people locally and to help those in need when a disaster strikes. Harvesters is one of Feeding America’s regional disaster response sites and is able to send food, water and cleaning supplies to disaster areas on short notice.
We’ve joined forces with other Feeding America food banks in our region to improve our ability to respond to disasters and lend resources between food banks when necessary. Grant funding allowed us to purchase a disaster-specific truck as an additional resource for disaster response.
Several partners in Harvesters’ agency network are also trained and ready to help us respond to disasters in our immediate area.
The Disaster after the Disaster
When a natural disaster occurs, everyone wants to reach out, to help…to do something! However, a natural disaster is often followed by a “man-made disaster,” which occurs when well-meaning individuals and organizations begin making random donations of items such as food and clothing before emergency responders know what is needed.
Harvesters works closely at both the state and national levels to support other disaster response efforts by making useful items available in a coordinated manner.