Many of Your Donation Questions Answered

Where do you get your funding?

Harvesters is privately funded through a diversity of revenue sources, including special fundraising events, individual donations, corporate partnerships and foundation grants.

How much of my donation goes toward fighting hunger?

96.8% of all of our total expenses are spent on the programs and services we deliver. 

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, it is. Harvesters is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 43-1208665. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Why should I support Harvesters?

You can help us to make our vision of a healthy, thriving community where no one is hungry a reality. Harvesters serves in an important role of mobilizing the power of our community to create equitable access to nutritious food and address the root causes and impact of hunger. Your donation will go a long way toward alleviating hunger for children, families, and seniors, in our community.

How does $1 help provide 2 meals?

This is a common question. Certainly, you and I cannot make 2 meals out of a dollar! However, at Harvesters, we’re able to take every dollar donated and combine it with other financial gifts, donated food products and time that volunteers give to stretch that one dollar to the maximum.

Do your partner agencies pay for the food they receive from Harvesters?

When a nonprofit organization becomes a Harvesters agency partner, they become our partner in hunger relief and getting both donated and purchased foods to the families and individuals who need them. Prior to COVID-19, our partner agencies shared in the cost of acquiring, storing and distributing this food by contributing a per-pound handling fee with the exception of perishable items such as bread and fresh produce. Due to the increased demand in our region, we have waived all handling fees to ensure our partners can meet the need in the months ahead as our communities continue to recover.

Can I make a donation in honor or memory of someone?

Yes! Every day more and more people choose alternative gift options for birthdays, holidays, memorials, faith-based celebrations and many other occasions. When making a gift through our donation page, just select the box under the Honoree/Tribute Gifts section.

Will I get a receipt for my donation?

Absolutely. Besides the confirmation you’ll receive on your monthly credit card or bank statement, we will prepare an annual statement of your monthly gifts every January, which will serve as your tax receipt for the prior year.

Will my personal information be kept confidential?

Yes, Harvesters values the trust of our volunteers, donors, and other partners and adheres to the highest standards in gathering, using and safeguarding constituent information. This includes all of a constituent’s personal and gift information. Read our donor privacy policy here.

As we gear up to take on Philadelphia in the big game, Harvesters is waging its own competition off the field with Philadelphia's Food Bank, Philabundance! It's a competition to see which community can raise the most money in honor of their home-town team! We know how much you care about your community, Chiefs Kingdom, so let's show em' what we're made of!