From the Fall 2022 Local Harvest Newsletter.
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“It makes you feel good, and it makes you feel like people care about you.”
These are the words of 10-year-old Cora after opening a BackSnack she recently received at Turner Elementary School, thanks to your generosity.
Cora says it’s “exciting” to open the bag of food and discover items she especially enjoys — and food she can share with her family. She is one of five siblings.
“We use a lot of the canned stuff to make food at home and it makes it easier on [my parents] because they don’t have to spend so much money on food,” Cora says.
The BackSnack program provides a weekly backpack of nutritious, child-friendly food for schoolchildren to take home over the weekend.
Cora especially appreciates how easy it is to open food from the backpack, and that it helps ease the burden of return trips to the grocery store for her parents — especially while food prices continue to rise.
“You can just open up a little packet of fruit and eat it right there,” Cora says.
Cora is also mindful that fewer trips to the grocery store means less risk of her family coming in contact with COVID-19 and getting sick.
“We appreciate it a lot,” Cora says on behalf of her and her family.
Your generosity ensures that students will have access to the BackSnack program and additional resources this fall to make sure healthy food is on the table, every day of the week. Thank you for your vital partnership.
To help other students like Cora receive nutritious food this year, please consider giving here.