From the Winter 2022 Local Harvest Newsletter.
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After giving her time as a Harvesters volunteer, Sharon found herself in need of help — and friends like you stepped up to make sure she got it.
“If you asked me to rate Harvesters on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give them a 20,” Sharon says.
Sharon, 66, worked at AARP and even volunteered her time in Harvesters’ warehouse before she was diagnosed with liver cancer and began chemotherapy treatments.
Once admitted to the hospital for treatment, Sharon was diagnosed with COVID-19 and spent several months in the hospital before she had healed enough to return home.
At home, she cut corners where she could so she could pay off her medical bills. She receives SNAP benefits but says she still can’t afford the groceries her doctor recommends for her as she recovers.
When she started losing weight, Sharon turned to Harvesters to help supplement her diet with nutritious groceries.
“Harvesters is there if you need them,” she says.
Sharon isn’t shy when it comes to sharing with friends and neighbors about her experience with Harvesters. She says pride can be a big deterrent to seeking help.
“I was saying I could make it, until I couldn’t,” Sharon says.
Thank you for joining with neighbors like Sharon to make sure every neighbor has access to nutritious food. Your generosity makes a world of difference for children, families and seniors who are facing hunger.